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Here are ten of my favorite biographies of mathematicians. The top row provides biographies of women mathematicians from different eras, who achieved great things despite the great obstacles thrown in their path for being women. The bottom row provides entertaining biographies of five groundbreaking 20th century mathematicians.
Emmy Noether
A fun and illuminating video on Noether's Theorem...
Emmy Noether: The Greatest Forgotten Mathematician in History
before her death, Emmy Noether was a member and lecturer at the
Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and they did a fascinating and
moving Celebration of Emmy Noether...
Emmy Noether was an inspiration to contemporary theoretical physicist Lisa Randall:
The connections that Noether forged are “critical” to modern physics, said Lisa Randall, a professor of theoretical particle physics and cosmology at Harvard. “Energy, momentum and other quantities we take for granted gain meaning and even greater value when we understand how these quantities follow from symmetry in time and space.” Dr. Randall, the author of the newly published “Knocking on Heaven’s Door,” recalled the moment in college when she happened to learn that the author of Noether’s theorem was a she. “It was striking and even exciting and inspirational,” Dr. Randall said, admitting, “I was surprised by my reaction.” - from the New York Times Article below:
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